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Claudia’s World Travels and Language Tips: The Story Behind Latogo

Claudia’s World Travels and Language Tips: The Story Behind Latogo

This week, we want to introduce you to the founder of Latogo, Claudia. If you’ve taken a lesson with Latogo, there’s a good chance you’ve already met her. You might have wondered about the history of Latogo—today, we’ll take you through Claudia’s inspiring journey.

Become Fluent by Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Claudia believes that the fastest way to fluency is by interacting and connecting with native speakers. Apps and textbooks can only take you so far; finding practice partners and engaging with them daily is key. Her own experiences highlight the importance of stepping outside your comfort zone to watch your language skills blossom.

A Bavarian Childhood

Claudia grew up in a quaint village near Munich with a population of just 7,000. It was a place where everyone knew each other, and her early years were filled with outdoor adventures and playing in the woods. Walking 20 minutes alone to and from school from the age of six, Claudia enjoyed a safe, family-friendly environment that instilled in her a love for nature and exploration. Even as a child, she dreamed of becoming a teacher, sparking her lifelong passion for education.

Early Language Interests

Claudia’s interest in languages began after high school during an interrail trip across Europe. The journey from Athens to Madrid over six weeks forced her to communicate in English and French. Despite years of study, she struggled with confidence in speaking these languages. This experience highlighted the importance of fluency and fueled her determination to master languages.

Academic Challenges

One of her most challenging experiences in university was a German as a Foreign Language seminar, where she had to learn the numbers in Chinese and use them to solve math problems. This experience, among others, solidified her commitment to language learning.

Teaching in Cameroon

Claudia’s journey took a significant turn during an internship at the Goethe-Institut in Cameroon. Initially, adapting to the new environment was daunting, and she questioned her decision to stay for three months. However, this experience became a pivotal moment in her career. A typical day involved preparing for conversational courses, assisting teachers, and working on a theatre play project for advanced learners. Holding her own classes was the highlight of her day, and she cherished the motivation and dedication of her students.

Global Adventures and Language Learning

After her internship, Claudia’s love for travel led her to book a one-way flight to Brazil. Her passion for wildlife and cultural exploration also took her to Tanzania and South Africa. In Tanzania, she struggled with learning Swahili through apps, realizing the limitations of such tools. A brief conversation with a local dive instructor clarified what she had struggled to understand for weeks.

In Tanzania, Claudia met Angie from Munich and her husband, a native Tanzanian Maasai. Despite significant language barriers, they lived and worked together, mastering their daily lives with minimal shared language. Their determination to communicate inspired Claudia to always try speaking the local language, even if not fluent.

Settling in Mexico and Embracing Spanish

Claudia decided to settle in Mexico, drawn by its friendly people, vibrant culture, and perfect conditions for her outdoor passions like kitesurfing. Starting with zero Spanish, she dedicated herself to learning through daily practice, watching movies, and engaging with locals. The pandemic provided an opportunity to practice Spanish with her landlord and her sons, who became her first Latogo students. This not only improved her language skills but also built a strong bond with the local community.

Vision for Latogo

Claudia envisions Latogo as the go-to platform for German language learners, combining structured classes, flexible tutoring, and practical application. Her hope is to make learning German accessible and enjoyable, helping students achieve their language goals and embrace new cultures confidently.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Claudia’s inspiring journey. At Latogo, we have a diverse team of native German-speaking teachers living across the globe, ready to guide you on your language learning adventure. Book your next class today and experience the unique and effective approach to learning German that Latogo offers.